Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Prayer requests at the homeless shelter

At our day shelter for homeless women and children, we have a box for prayer requests.  Every once in a while we collect them and pray over them.  Sometimes they are so poignant and truthful you want to weep and laugh at the same time. 

Here are some of them - names have been covered to protect identities.  Please pray with me:

Let someone beautiful come into my life.

 Please help me God to make my life better and find some clarity and a new direction.  Take away all fears.  Bless me.

That my craving for the needle subsides...  If not, that unto me falls a pressed and sealed brick of hydro-morphone weighing no less than 40 grams.
Please let me thrive.
I need prayer for to get off the streets; also for my boyfriend some work at Labor Ready; and maybe for my Ex to let me talk to my kid.  Thank[s] for all the prayer.

1 comment:

Mitch Garcia said...

Thanks for adding these request to your blog. I've added these requests to my prayer list. Thank you.